Wednesday, September 09, 2009


until couple minutes ago i was re-arranging my clothes.
then i looked at my phone clock.
omg! it was almost 2.30 AM!
so late.
i guessed i had to sleep coz tomorrow i have whole day class from morning till afternoon.
so before i sleep, i went to bathroom for washing my hand&foot.
but guess what i found there!?

(shit! dammit!)

i almost shouted as loud as i could when i remembered my housemates.
i would disturb their dream if i shouted.
so i took a deep breath and tried to calm down myself.

i got baygon fast and carefully, then, attacked the cockroach!!
oh no!! it ran fast that i could hardly attack it with my baygon.
i just sprayed anywhere around and untill finally i got it XDD yeah!

it looked dying and suffering.
but i remembered that cockroach is a good actress/actor.
it can pretend or act as if it is dying or even already die. (what a talentful insect, isnt it?)
so i took the bathroom mat to cover it and stepped on it.
i heard a sound of "crack" when i stepped on it and i hoped it died!!

i think the cockroach came out bcoz today i cleaned the bathroom and maybe i disturbed its 'secret house'.

what a bad experience.
i hate, ah not only hate..
oh god, why should that thing exist in the world >_<
(guess that it is his mystery)

anyway, i m really sleepy now,,

ja ne! oyasumi :D


Jovita said...

it's mystery, not mysteri..
just a little mistake :P

Yeah, cockroach may be your friend, someday, when you've grown up :D
Also make friends to rats, okay? :P They will accompany you in your life, believe me~

kiku said...

nah, now that u mention it.
actually when i wrote "mystery" yesterday, i felt sumthin not right, cant remember how to spell it.
mistery? mysteri? LOL XDD
NO hell, i hope that day would never come >_<

Kid The Learner said...

hohoho.. expected. LOL

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