Sunday, March 01, 2009

raining country or city?? ^o)


i dunno wat should i call singapore..
country or city??

recently, it always rains...
with thunder of course..

so i wanna call it 'rain ......'
but, is it country or city??
too small for country..
but its not a city,either..

forget bout it :D

i ll have calculus mid-term...

i hope i can forget bout it...

my mind really doesnt want to do or remember bout it...

even, last night,
i got a weird dream..

in my dream..
i bought a wrong date ticket..
actually i planned to go back to my country in april..
but i bought wrong one, so i went back to my country on that day...
after arrived at home,,,
i just realized that i have midterm test on monday...
and next week, i have physics midterm, econ term paper n econ presentation...
but then i said to myself..
its ok..
i can skip class..
i ll study hard in final exam so i can pass...

and then, suddenly, i woke up...

such a weird dream..
but maybe...
actually thats what my mind hopes...

hikzzzz >___<

kiku hwaiting!!!!!

pray for me ,too, ok!?

: )


Anonymous said...

ora ora... auntie's here... :)

here's my comment since you demanded for it...
mimpinya aneh ihh... *.*"
firasat buruk kali tadi bisa gak hayo mid-term nya...

iya yah kemaren ujan ampir seharian...
buat melow ajah..

write more since its your blog...
i should consider to create mine as well..
but am lazy to write,,, zhen me ban aaaa ```

-Da1_C- annyeong ^_^

kiku said...

iya kali ya :D

bikin aja auntie..
sekalian latihan eng :D

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